Durian is very rare in the United States because it does not grow very well here.
There are durian trees growing in South Florida but none of them have fruited so far.
Although monthong (a commercially grown variety) is available in most largely populated cities, eating a seedling durian is an experience that one would have had to travel all the way to Southeast Asia for- until now.
Meet Kampong, also known as "natural village durian" because it is grown from seed and not grafted like other named varieties.
Because they are seedlings, every kampong durian tastes and looks completely different so it wouldn't be possible for me to describe what they taste like- you will just have to try for yourself. ;)
Kampong durians usually come from older trees because back in the day all durians were grown from seed.
Nowadays, most durian farmers are focused on grafted varieties that people already know and love.
Older durian varieties do tend to have more "mature" flavors like strong bitter and alcohol notes which you may not be used to if you haven't tried them before.
Kampong may not be the best beginner variety because of this, but they are great for durian lovers looking to expand their palette.
What’s in Season:
Tamarillo (tree tomato)
Turmeric (fresh)
On the Horizon/Pre Order: