Welcome to the last OFFICIAL harvest update of the summer! This Tuesday June 26th will be our last fresh fruit shipping day (other than sprouted coconuts) because the weather is too hot to ship fresh fruit.
We are super exited to let you know about the special deals we have available for this last week.
You may already know about these deals from our Instagram, but if not, enjoy!
But first- here's an upcoming schedule of our summer:
July 3rd-August 7th Rane, Edelle, and John will be in Hawaii. Jack will be in Miami shipping sprouted coconuts, Sal and Jess will be harvesting fruit and selling locally at the Southwest Community Farmer's Market.
August 10th-August 13th Cananda Fruit Festival! Use the code: MIAMIFRUIT for 10% off admission
August 19th-26th Woodstock Fruit Festival! Use the code: MIAMIFRUIT for $100 off admission
August 28th 11:11 AM NYC Frickin Fruitluck in Central Park (its free, come hang!)
September 1st Our estimated back in Miami arrival time. We will be keeping a close eye on the weather and letting you all know when shipping will resume. We will be doing a lot of major farm improvements, and will be reading through volunteer application forms around this time as well.Mangos are everyone's favorite fruit around this time of year. There are over 600 different varieties of mango growing in South Florida. We will be harvesting the primo varieties from our farm including: Lancetia, Valencia Pride, Philippine, Carrie, and more. Buy 2 get the 3rd box free when you use the code: MANGO at the checkout. Make sure to put three boxes in your cart for the code to work. Unlimited uses. If you just want one mango box, you can use the code: mangofreeship for free shipping. One time use only.
We have been in love with this creamy, dreamy fresh durian. Take $30 off a fresh durian box when you use the code: durian. Unlimited uses.
This will be your last chance to taste the magana mamey sapote variety for a while. The Key West variety will be ready very soon.
The easiest jackfruit to process! Use the code: “mushy” for $40 off a jackfruit box! If you use this code you will receive a box full of this mushy variety known for its unusual mango-like texture and powerful flavor. This jackfruit in our opinions is easier to digest than average “crunchy” jackfruit varieties. De-pods in a breeze and good to freeze for smoothies!
As always, sprouted coconuts are available year round! We WILL be shipping them throughout the summer. This fruit is perfect when you're craving something savory and salty tasting.
What's in season this week:
Fresh Durian
Red Dragonfruit
Sprouted coconut
Mamey Sapote
Pink Guava
Nam Wah Bananas
Pisang Raja Bananas
Yellow Dragonfruit
Pink Dragonfruit
White Dragonfruit
June Plum
Frozen Musang King Durian
Lychee (very limited)