| Edelle Schlegel

🌸Passionate about Passionfruit✨

We have passionfruit!! + lychee made a small comeback this week. 💞

It was a good week to get a variety box. This week we harvested a very small amount of bananas so some of the banana pre-orders will have to wait until next week, but the variety boxes got to enjoy either a custard apple or cherimoya, lychees, mamey, sapodilla, wompee, and three different varieties of passionfruit!

Passionfruit season started with a bang. We harvested some amazing varieties this week including a brazilian variety that almost weighed a pound and super sweet little red ones! All of our patient passionfruit pre-orders were fullfilled.

Our farmer friend took us to her single fruiting lychee tree this Monday and we all spent a few hours harvesting what could be the last of the Mauritius variety in all of South Florida! We may get lucky if a later variety called Brewster fruits this year. 

We had another abundant custard apple harvest this week, but there's not many left on the trees. Since we didn't have as many variety box orders this week compared to last week and we picked quite a few that were good enough to ship, we were able to put one in every variety box! This is really special because this fruit is super rare here so if you are really wanting this fruit next week, we recommend pre-ordering to secure your spot. You can also leave a note with your variety box order and if we harvest enough, we may be able to put one in your box. Make sure you wait until they are fully soft before eating.

Speaking of rare fruits, we picked some ice cream bean this week! We try to give about a week in between each harvest to let the trees regenerate, but it looks like we won't be able to include any of these fruits in the variety boxes. There are a lot of pre-orders right now, so if you pre-order now you will reserve your spot in line. If there isn't enough fruit to send you this season, your spot will be reserved on the list for next season.

Our sweet little sapodillas may be going out of season soon. There are so many different varieties that grow at different times here in South Florida that it's hard to keep track of them all. Sometimes there are a few weeks in between seasons. 
We are seriously looking forward to some avocados in June. Every monday we can see them getting a little bigger. There are so many on the trees right now. It's going to be a good year for avocados. We will be able to include them in the variety boxes when they are ready.
Don't forget about our MAYOFMAMEY sale! May is about to end and so will this 10% off mamey sapote discount code. If you are worried you can't eat a lot of mamey, try freezing it and adding it to smoothies and nice creams. :)
Freeze dried cecropia aka gummy worm fruit now available.

Check out this video on how to tell when a jackfruit is ripe for picking and eating! 

mindfuldiabetic robby recommends mamey

Want to make some amazing vegan ice cream? Click the picture below!