AMAZING ABUNDANCE of fruit harvested this week.
We are really exited for our giant mamey harvest to ripen so we can start making recipes for you all! We should have a steady flow of abundant mamey sapote until October. We highly recommend this fruit if you eat a fruit-based diet because this fruit will satisfy you for the day and give you a lot of energy for the next day.
This hydrating fruit goes well with other fruits too! We usually include a few other fruits that we can fit in the spaces in your papaya box.
BaNaNa Paradise! This was a good week for banana lovers. We harvested all of our favorite banana varieties including: psang raja, nam wah, mysore, FHIA 18, pelapita, goldfinger, praying hands, viente cohol, and sweetheart!
Pineapples coming in soon!Sweet sapodilla have been so consistently delicious. We sure are going to miss them. We will probably have them until the end of April.
Baby jackfruits are popping up everywhere. We are harvesting about two early variety jackfruits a week right now. We will have a huge amount of jackfruit in a month or two so pre-order now!
Mono-mealing star apple is a very heavenly thing to do.