We have a lot of news for you!

These were all the bananas we were able to harvest this week besides a rack of dwarf cavendish not pictured. It was exceptionally cold last week so we had less bananas than normal. This means that some of our variety box customers got to enjoy more sapodilla and star apple in their boxes! ;)

Monday and Tuesday were extremely busy for us. We spent over three hours harvesting star apple and got a large order for 19 boxes an hour before the Fed Ex truck came to pick up the packages! Luckily we got all the star apple shipped.
Star apple must be picked soft. It is important to enjoy it quickly when you receive it or put it in the fridge because it will be ready to eat.
The papaya we have right now is so good, its on fire! Caribbean papaya grows year round in South Florida, but we cannot always ship it in the summertime because too many pests make it their home. This is why you should order it now while the weather is still cool-ish.
We harvested more turmeric! Just the smallest nub goes a long way! Add it to your smoothies or rice for a boost of curcumin! We planted it with love.
Mamey sapote season is still going strong here! This fruit makes a meal or two in itself. So rich, creamy, and fulfilling. It also makes a great addition to smoothies, pudding, bread, cakes, and pies.
Sapodilla has been so good lately! It is so nice to sit down in the sun to an amazing meal of this satisfyingly sweet fruit.
The blue grape (Merciaria vexator) tree is producing a handful of fruit right now. Get your preorder in to secure your spot on the list! First come first serve.
Fruit loving people came all the way from Wisconsin to buy fruit from us! 😻Such a joy it is to see people exited about fruits they have never tried before 💞
Our friend plantriotic made an awesome review video of our bananas and passionfruit. You can check it out here.
Follow one of our happy and loyal customers @as.raw.as.possible on instagram for inspirational pictures of fruit!
![]() Chocolate Malt Mylkshake:
6 fresh sapodilla 3 frozen bananas 3 cups non-dairy milk 1 tbsp cacao powder dash of cinnamon |