| Edelle Schlegel

🚨 Attention Last Minute Gifters!

It's hard to remember everyone on your gift list, or even what to gift them for that matter. Our digital gift cards are eco friendly and meant make your life easier.

Here's how it works:

When you order a gift card. A unique code is sent to your email. You can then print out this code or forward it to your gift recipient. It's super simple and eliminates the need for plastic. 

If you or your gift recipient need to contact us about your order, please do so as soon as possible via email:


Fresh fruit orders placed after Saturday 12/19 are not ensured to be shipped before Christmas. If you placed an order between 12/20-12/22, we will do our best to fulfill it if we have the time and fruit available.

What's in Season
Cherimoya LIMITED
Sugar apple LIMITED
Pink Guava LIMITED