Achacha (Achachairú) *Pre-Order*

  • $157
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***Achacha is currently available for Pre-Order. When placing a Pre-Order, this means the fruit you have ordered is not currently in season, or is extremely limited in season. Your pre-order holds your place in line on our wait list. When Achacha comes into season and is ready to harvest from the trees, you will receive your order as soon as possible.***

Origin: Achachairú originated in Bolivia. It was renamed in Australia as Achacha (last three letters removed) for convenient pronunciation. It's in the same genus as mangosteen, gamboge, and imbe (garcinia) and has very similar visual and texture characteristics to the fruits in its genus. It looks like an imbe on the outside and a mangosteen on the inside.

Flavor Profile: The flavor is the perfect balance of sour and sweet. It's very flavorful but not overwhelmingly sour. If you've ever eaten a mangosteen and a gamboge, it sits somewhere in between those on the flavor/sour scale. Many people say it tastes like lemonade.

Achacha fruit is picked tree ripened. It arrives ripe and ready to eat.  Please be sure to eat your Achachairú immediately upon arrival! 

How To Eat: Pinch or cut off the outer shell, and consume the beautiful white flesh inside. The seeds should not be consumed.

First come first serve, any orders that can't be shipped this season will be reserved for next season.

The total weight of each box varies depending on the size, shape, and mass of the fruit:

  • Small Box contains: 3 pounds
  • Large Box contains: up to 7-10 pounds

We ALWAYS recommend ordering a LARGE BOX for the best value, when compared to a Small Box. Because shipping, handling, and delivery are so expensive per package, the Large Box will contain more fruit and ultimately a better value.